Do floating point/decimal numbers get coalesced to 0.0 instead of 0? E.g.But how far out does this apply? If someone wrote coalesce( +, 0), even tho column_a and column_b are not directly wrapped in :coalesce we should probably still not wrap them We probably shouldn't wrap stuff that's already wrapped - we don't want to change behavior if someone explicitly asked for something to be coalesced a certain way (especially if they chose something other that 0).SELECT tag, count() AS cnt FROM ( SELECT content.id, content.tags, tag FROM content, jsonbarrayelements( case jsonbtypeof(content.tags::jsonb) when array then content. All you need to know about Metabase ‘questions’ What are Metabase questions The first step towards creating a dashboard in Metabase is by asking a business question. I believe the issue on some of my queries was around some null and empty values. In our case, the first thing we want to visualise are the sum of impressions. Next, say we want to visualise some important metrics. These steps can be visualised in the graphic below.

should we also be coalescing those? I know if we don't do it now or explicitly decide we're not doing it now, someone is going to open a follow-up bug report about how that doesn't work. If you’re running into problems with connecting your database, check if it is included in Metabase’s list of officially supported databases. Filter > Custom Expression Select 'Discount' and try to click Done Errors with Unknown Segment: Discount: The correct formula would be Discount 10, example. Example question in Metabase (step-by-step) Start by clicking Ask a question > Simple question > Pick the data you want to work with > View the raw data. Any existing query that previously used the is-null / not-null operators will show (as 'Is null' / 'Not null') but any newly made queries will not. This adds is-empty / not-empty operators in the query processor, and reworks the UI to use those.


I don't think this is a bug per se because the existing behavior is working as intended.